AI Invasion: Who Keeps Their Job?

Daniel Shemer talks about "Who'll still be employed when artificial intelligence agents start becoming a real fact and it's coming soon? Here's a quick rundown. Jobs at High Risk of Automation

Repetitive or Routine Tasks: Jobs that involve repetitive tasks easily followed by rules are likely to be replaced. Examples include data entry, certain manufacturing jobs, and some customer service roles.

Predictable Environments: AI excels in environments with clear rules and data. Jobs like truck drivers (self-driving cars) or factory workers (where robots can take over) may be vulnerable. First, the creatives. AI can mimic, but originality? That's a human trait. Artists, writers, musicians, you're safe. Second, the caregivers. Compassion, empathy, human touch - robots can't replicate these. Nurses, therapists, social workers, you're irreplaceable.

Third, the decision makers. AI can analyze, but human intuition and judgement? Still unmatched. CEOs, managers, judges, you're needed. Remember, AI doesn't replace, it assists. So, instead of worrying, let's adapt. Learn new skills, embrace technology. We're in this together, humans and AI, shaping the future, one byte at a time.

How to Stay Ahead of the Curve Focus on "human" skills: Empathy, critical thinking, creativity, communication, and complex problem-solving will become even more valuable. Embrace Tech-Adjacent Work: Learn to work alongside AI systems, finding ways to use them as tools to enhance your productivity, not as replacements. Continuous Learning: Be adaptable and willing to learn new skills, especially those involving technology. Upskill Within Your Field: Even with AI automating parts of your job, becoming more expert and specialized will make you harder to replace. Stay curious, keep learning. Until next time."for more go to